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What is Skin Cancer and What are the Common Types of Skin Cancer?

Skin exposed to the sun is where skin cancer, or the abnormal proliferation of skin cells, most frequently occurs. However, this prevalent type of cancer can also develop on parts of your skin that are not often exposed to sunlight. Melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma are the main kinds of skin cancer.

Skin cancer is the most prevalent type, with more than 3 million Australians receiving a diagnosis yearly. So, there is an Australian skin cancer clinic, you can visit it today for a skin check. Early skin cancer detection typically allows for treatment with topical medicines, dermatologist-performed therapies in the office, or outpatient surgery. A physician who focuses on skin-related illnesses and problems is a dermatologist. As a result, less than 1% of cancer-related fat1452alities are attributable to skin cancer.

Reducing or eliminating your exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can lower your risk of developing skin cancer. The early signs of skin cancer might be found by checking for abnormal changes in your skin. You have the best opportunity to successfully treat skin cancer if you find it early.

Dermatologists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and medical oncologists are frequently included in multidisciplinary teams that treat and skin check, skin cancer when it is further advanced. These medical professionals will consult with a patient before advising the best course of action for cancer treatment.

Types of skin cancer

There are 4 types of skin cancer:

1. Basal cell carcinoma

Basal cells are the spherical cells that make up the bottom epidermis. This kind of cell gives rise to about 80% of skin malignancies. Basal cell carcinomas are the term used to characterize these tumors. Basal cell carcinoma can be seen anywhere on the skin. However, it typically appears on the head and neck. It primarily results from sun exposure or manifests in patients who have radiation therapy as youngsters. Rarely does this type of skin cancer migrate to other body areas and typically grows slowly


Basal cell carcinoma typically develops on body parts exposed to the sun, including your face or neck.

Basal cell cancer may manifest as:

  • A bulge with pearls or wax
  • a scar-like, flat lesion that is brown or flesh-colored.
  • a wound that bleeds or scabs then heals and reappears

2. Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cells, which are flat, scale-like cells, comprise most of the epidermis. These cells arise from squamous cell carcinomas, which account for about 20% of all skin malignancies. Squamous cell carcinoma can be found in numerous areas of the skin because it is mainly brought on by sun exposure.

Additionally, skin that has been burned, harmed by chemicals, or exposed to x-rays may acquire it. Squamous cell carcinoma is frequently discovered on the lips, near old scars, on the skin around the anus, and on a woman’s vagina. Squamous cell carcinomas spread to other areas of the body between 2 and 5 percent of the time.


Squamous cell carcinoma most frequently affects your hands, face, ears, and other sun-exposed body regions. In the body areas that aren’t often exposed to the sun, those with darker skin are more likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma.

Symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma include:

  • a firm, reddish nodule
  • a flat, crusty lesion with scaly edges

3. Merkel cell cancer

Highly aggressive or rapidly spreading, Merkel cell cancer is a rare malignancy. It starts in the hair follicles and the hormone-producing cells under the skin. Usually, the head and neck areas are affected. Another name for Merkel cell cancer is neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin.


Firm, glossy nodules in the hair follicles and on the skin’s surface or just below it are caused by Merkel cell cancer. The head, neck, and trunk are the areas where Merkel cell carcinoma most frequently develops.

4. Melanoma

Where the epidermis and dermis meet, melanocytes, sporadic cells, can be seen. These cells produce the pigment melanin, which gives skin its color. The most dangerous variety of skin cancer is melanoma, which begins in melanocytes, and one percent of all skin cancers are caused by it.


Anywhere on your body, in otherwise healthy skin, or in an already-existing mole that transforms into cancer. Men impacted by melanoma typically develop it on their faces or trunks, and the lower legs are where this type of cancer most frequently appears in females. Melanoma can develop on skin that hasn’t been exposed to the sun in both men and women.

Anyone can develop melanoma, regardless of skin color. Melanoma frequently develops on the palms, soles, or under the fingernails or toenails of people with darker skin tones.

Signs of melanoma include:

  • A sizable area of brown with darker speckles
  • A mole that bleeds varies in size, texture, or color
  • A little lesion with a skewed border and areas that seem red, pink, or
  • A burning or itching sore that hurts
  • Dark spots on the mucous membranes lining your mouth, nose, vagina, or anus, as well as on your palms, soles of your feet, fingertips, or toes.

Techniques to detect Skin Cancer

  1. Biopsy
  2. Excision
  3. Curettage
  4. Cryotherapy
  5. Topical Medications

If you see any changes in your skin that concern you, search for “Skin Cancer Check near me” in Sydney. Schedule a consultation with your doctor. Skin cancer is not the only reason for some skin changes. To ascertain the cause of your skin changes, consult your doctor for a skin check.

We think better treatment outcomes can result from early identification. Dr. Sayyal will evaluate any problematic skin lesions once you arrive at our office and will go over your treatment options with you. The majority of skin malignancies need to be removed right away. A local anesthetic is used to cut the skin around the malignancy. It is an Australian-based clinic. So, Sayyal Health to book an appointment.

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